The Ask: Sony Walkman is a name brand but it has lost it's identity. How do use the new digital platforms that other brands have thrived on to create a new sustainable identity for the brand?

Insight: Lifestyle means trends, culture means sustainability. Sony has had a place in music culture for decades. Culture doesn't follow cool, it just is. The product itself embodies "all function no frills." People love streaming music onto their cellphones, but they have their clear disadvantages. The culture of music is cool enough, we don't need to target influencers or follow trends to make the product a lifestyle. 

Solution: #WalkTheWalk means if you care about music, own it. Sony needs to own the fact that they oversee products and run music labels that have been growing the careers of artists for decades. If the customer sees themselves as being a music influencer, they need to own the product. 

Art Directors: Valerie O'Bert and Katie Burleson

Copywriter: Bobby Kuhn